Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Whey Whey Whey - Said Fat Albert

Little Miss Muffet, sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider, which sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away.
(The better to steal your whey, little girl.)

The whey container I am looking at says PURE PROTEIN 100% Whey Protein, vanilla creme. Ingredients: Protein Blend (whey protein concentrate,whey protein isolate),frutose, natural flavors, soy lecithin, stevia extract.

One scoop (provided) = one serving
130 calories
total fat 1.5g (sat.fat 0.5g, trans fat 0)
protein 23g (WOW)

ES brought home the first container. This is the 2nd I think. Always add to smoothies, which makes them a meal because they have protein, which keeps me feeling full. Seems kind of pricey until you compare the protein to steak (which has a lot more fat).


susan said so said...

I'm off work tomorrow (working Saturday instead) so it's grocery day. I've added whey to the list. According to this calculation (http://exercise.about.com/cs/nutrition/a/protein_2.htm) I need about 95 gms of protein a day. I'm sure I don't get that much many days, so this will be a good addition!

You add it to pancake mix, too?

Luna said...

Yes, I tried adding it to the pancakes I made last weekend. I also add Benefiber. I did NOT use whole wheat flour because I've tried that before and the pancakes did not taste as good and the consistency was not pancake-like. So, I figured I could put the fiber in "anonymously".