Sunday, August 15, 2010

Luna Log, Sunday 08/15/2010

Homemade pancakes w/butter and jam/hot tea.
(I added 1 tablespoon of whey to my mother's recipe for pancakes to see if it would change the flavor or texture. It did not. Next time I'll try 2 tablespoons.
Pancakes with protein would be a definite improvement.)
Triscuits/cheddar cheese/fresh peaches
chicken thigh, 1/2 cup rice w/"sauce"/fresh tomato/ baked sweet tater w/butter and cinnamon/fresh peach/tea
14 FFPringle crisps/diest coke w/lime
OH, NO!! I FELL OFF THE WAGON!! hot tea/too many vanilla wafers
Thank goodness tomorrow is a new day! I'll pick myself up, dust myself off, and watch out for trips.

1 comment:

susan said so said...

I count my water intake, too. I have a water bottle that holds 12 oz; I fill it 3 times a day, and add a SF flavor packet (faux Crystal Light) - my favorite flavors are lemonade (regular and pink), and "lightly lemon."