Here we are, the two of us, sisters.
We're not getting any younger, and there's nothing we can do about that fact.
We're not getting any skinnier, either - and we CAN do something about that!
So, here's the plan, hatched over tea in a hostel kitchen somewhere in Scotland: we're going to lose 1 lb a week for the next year. I'm not sure how we're going to do it, but that's the plan.
I've started this blog to help keep us accountable, and to make it more fun.
I'm ready, sister mine - are you?
Thoughts from the Elder Sister
No, I am not ready, but will I ever really be? It was a shattering realization when I accidentally saw my reflection in a shop window and thought, "Why the hell is that fat, white-haired woman wearing my clothes? Oh, crap, that's me!"
Seriously, all of my memorable life I have either been on a weight-loss diet or thinking about a weight-loss diet. Without too much effort, I can be successful at the losing part. Hell, I've probably "lost" 300-500 pounds in my entire life - maybe more than that. My problem is the "maintenance" phase. Either I am thinking about food all the time (weight-loss phase) or I have completely surrendered and adopted a "whatever" attitude. The latter is my present fame of mind.
When I weighted 136 pounds and wore a size 13-14 (which has been most of my life), I thought that I was fat. True, compared to my diminutive mother, I was fat(I was put on my first diet at age six.) However, recently I saw some old photos of myself and I was NOT fat, just pleasantly curvy. In other words, no one could have ever mistaken me for a boy.
While on holiday, what I really hated was well-meaning individuals offering to "help" me lift my travelpack, and I am pretty sure that those offers were not age related. I received far too many of those offers during my Alba 10 holiday.(An important point that I must remember is that a smaller body means smaller clothes which means that my travelpack will either {1} weight less; or {2} have more room for other cool things.)
So, here I am, psyching up myself for yet another diet. A pound a week before I return to Scotland next summer (which, by the way, is 305 days away). So, 305 days at 7 days a week is approximately 43.5 pounds by June 5, 2011. (Remain calm! Breathe! In! Out! Lean over and get your head lower than your heart! In! Out!)
I require details. Remind me again - precisely when do we start this beautification program? Is it too late to reconsider? :D
I agree, it sucks balls to have to think about this all the time! BUT, I think about it all the time anyway - not what I eat, but about my physical self - because carrying around all these excess pounds is physically stressful. My feet problems, back pain, the discomfort of having to reach around my belly to tie my shoes or polish my toes, my lack of flexibility, diverticulosis...all are caused by or exacerbated by being overweight. Hell, it's hard to wipe my own ass! (I know, TMI, but seriously...) Since it's not something I can't not think about for any length of time, I may as well be thinking about solutions instead of just the problems. And yes, of course, I want to look better. Skinny jeans look like fun!
So, NO - it's not too late to reconsider. You don't have to do this, and if you think participating in this "project" will increase your stress as opposed to reducing it, then you may really want to bow out. Or maybe a pound a week is more than you want to commit's all entirely up to you. Either way, I love you, and I think you're beautiful. :)
Luna (DB) wants to participate too. She will think about it and provide info later.
Luna, Loonie is more like it. But since I have been depression eating for months and can't fit into the blue silk dress that I should be wearing to a wedding THIS Saturday. YES! I'm ready to turn around and head in the other direction. Will have to think about goal amount. I'll let you know.
Oh, HURRAY! Welcome, Luna (DBM, yes?)- Shall I change the tagline to "3 fat sisters/3 skinny chicks?" Let me know for certain!
Rmbling thoughts about diets, exercise, and food...
Susan, you are absolutely right. I do think about it most of the time, either that or intentionally ignore it...which is really the same thing in a way. When do we start? (The official starting date for LRSD teachers is June 11.)
And, how are you planning to make this happen? I do well on a low-carb diet, altho' "well" may be a bit of a stretch. To rephrase, I drop pounds on a low-carb diet, but I am a carb junkie, so it is unrealistic to consider that regimen as a long-term solution.
I really like the "Four Day Diet". I think you, like me, purchased the book. On that one I can have carbs, so just maybe, I could stay on that one long term. I particularly like the "not having to think about it" part, because there are clear guidelines to follow about what food and when. And, it doesn't require keeping a food diary. It is a sure bet that I would not do that.
My confidence level regarding maintenance is below sea level, since that is the portion where I dismally fail.
A pleasant thought about the benefits is, a smaller body means smaller clothes, so either my rucksack will weigh less next summer, or I will have more room to get those special things back to Little Rock. Either way, it is win-win.
Luna is working on ideas about how she and I can make ourselves exercise. I bought an exercise DVD last fall, but, like my stationary bicycle, it requires more than just the purchase. Too, I hate to exercise, unless it is Jazzercise, which is more like dancing than exercise. Jazzercise is expensive, but probably not as expensive as remaining fat.
Let me know the start date, since I forgot our agreed upon date.
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