Saturday, August 28, 2010

Yoda-speak, from Elder Sister

gaidheallass said...

"Overly enthusiastic and delusionary" - which is Yoda-speak for "Don't think for a millisecond that this is going to be easy". It took seven or eight years to gain this weight, so shedding it will be tedious and slow.Particularly considering what I ate today.

Confession follows: For some reason, by about 3:30 I was absolutely know that, OMG, I feel a little yucky and I am HUNGRY! Did I think to eat the pear that I had for that type of emergency? Well, what do you think? Absolutely not! I managed to wolf down three packages of single serving graham crackers and two (or was it three?) packages of Fruit Treats. I daresay there was everything in the world in the latter, with the exception of fruit. Then, I ate the pear, too. At the professional development meeting I was scheduled to attend from 4:30 until 6:30, there was popcorn and a Diet Coke. Then home for two average size slices of Margarita pizza. I declined the Guinness, even though I am confident that Guinness qualifies as "real food"...just think of those whole grains - barley, hops, etc. Yummy!

Continuing to count the positive choices, I did NOT stop at Wendy's for a burger with lots of mustard, lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickles - accompanied by French fries with catsup (oh, yes--I love carbs!), and a vanilla Frosty.

So, the two pounds that I had lost have probably been "found" yet again! (Such a peculiar way to describe it..."lost" weight.)

I will climb back on the wagon tomorrow. And weight again next week!

1 comment:

gaidheallass said...

Stuck to my diet yesterday (Friday) with regular breakfast (yogurt, berries, granola, almonds - all in moderation). For dinner,tuna "fish" without mayo, only egg, tomato, and pickle relish.

Today I did good, too. Regular breakfast, then tomato and cottage. About 8pm the "OMG - I would trade my own child for a bowlful of ice cream" feeling. Instead, I ate a banana, a pear, and a peach. I am NOT hungry - just having withdrawal symptoms.

ARGHHHH!!! Whose idea was this? Remind me again "why" we are doing this.